Green Laptop Sleeves - AMPRG Initiative
Prof Arora and his Advanced Materials Processing Research Group, decided to support sustainable livelihood generation and reducing plastic usage for this event. Course participants were provided with handmade laptop sleeves (sourced and stitched from khadi cotton by women from Palaj and Basan villages trained under IITGN’s NEEV program), notebook of handmade paper (prepared by Kalamkhush, Khadi Gramodhyog Mandal, Ahmedabad), and reusable metallic water bottles instead of plastic ones. Course Coordinator, Prof Amit Arora said, “We at IITGN take sustainable development and environment conservation seriously in all of our activities. This initiative is our small contribution towards sustainable development and women empowerment activities at IITGN. We hope to make Swaccha Bharat, Swastha Bharat, and Kushal Bharat with every such small step.”