AMPRG @ Ahmedabad Mega EduFest 2019
Advanced Materials Processing Research Group (AMPRG IITGN) participated in Ahmedabad Mega Edu Fest-2019 held on December 21-22. For the very first time, the members had a chance to interact with school children and their parents and teachers about Materials Science and its prospects. Using plastic models of crystal structures, demonstrations of shape memory effect, electrochemical cleaning of silver, material observation under microscope, and an immersive materials-based crossword, we enthused the young audience. We hope the stimulated curiosity will inspire them to explore about Materials Science and see it as a possible yet exciting career track.
Thanks to Anurag Gumaste, Sooraj Patel, Sudha Gautam, Nishkarsh Srivastava, Rushabh Doshi, Deepak Dhariwal, and Bidyan Basumatary who volunteered for this event. We look forward to taking this rewarding experience further in our future endeavors.